Mufee's Boundaries

The following stream rules and regulations are listed in my about tab. The excuse of “i didn’t know” will not pass after I explicitly explain my boundaries. I am doing this now to avoid future conflicts and create a safe space for myself

- NSFW art is allowed of my VTUBER. But any NSFW comments and statements about me specifically is not tolerated.
- Do not flirt with me, i may make some “homiesexual” jokes with my friends, but that is rare and not an invitation for chat to come in and do that
- This is a regulation for not only streaming but for networking/commisions as well. Do not commission me so we can be friends. There may be rare instances where i make friends along the way with my work, but i am avoiding parasocial relationships.
-I am not your therapist. Anyone venting in chat will have their message hidden and a mod will give you a warning. This is to keep our chat a positive space. There are times where we may talk about serious subjects. If that does come up, I ask people to continue to be mindful and respectful
- Do not drag me in your drama. Seriously. If me and a friend have an issue, we will discuss it privately and solve whatever conflicts we have.
- If you don't like me, move on. If I don't like you, I am not gonna post about it anywhere unless you start spreading word 
-Do not use me to reach out to my friends and mutuals. It's incredibly rude, invading, and unprofessional
- If you are homophobic, don't talk to me.
All in all, these ruels have one thing in common, please respect myself and the community we build. Mufeeland is a place of hopes and dreams, a place where people can cool off, relax, and keep their mind off the negativity in the world